Hui LǏ, Ph.D.   Professor, Principal Investigator, PhD Student Supervisor,
MOE Key Lab of Contemporary Anthropology, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200438 China

李辉 教授,博士生导师
复旦大学  生命科学学院  现代人类学教育部重点实验室 主任

出版《Y染色体与东亚族群演化》《人类起源和迁徙之谜》《Languages and Genes in NW China and Adjacent Regions》《来自猩猩的你》《复旦校园植物图志》等自然科学著作,《岭南民族源流史》《我们是谁》等史学著作,《偒傣话——世界上元音最多的语言》《奉贤锦带书精选十二篇》等社会科学著作,《茶道经(译注)》《道德经古本合订》《二十四节气茶事》等哲学著作,《自由而无用的灵魂》《紫晨词》《茶多语》《谷雨》等文学著作,翻译过《夏娃的七个女儿》《我的美丽基因组》等科学名著。
Professor Hui Li, anthropologist on East Asia, gained bachelor and PhD degrees from Fudan University School of Life Sciences (1996-2005). After finishing postdoctoral training and research associate's work at Yale University in 2009, he started associate research professor and then became professor of human biology and anthropology at School of Life Sciences, Fudan University.
Now, Professor Li is appointed as the dean of MOE Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology, dean of Fudan-Datong Institute of Chinese Origin, and academician of Asian Academy of Humanity and Nature (Macao). He is also trustee of the China Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, the Chinese Anthropological Society, and Executive Vice-President of Shanghai Society of Anthropology.
Professor Li is major in molecular anthropology, studying the origin of human populations and civilizations in East Asia. He demonstrated that East Asians originated in two migration waves from Africa. The Chinese Civilization was stimulated by the domestications of rice in the South and millet in the North. Three Sovereigns in early time of Neolithic Age were proved to be ancestors of half present Chinese males, whose mausoleums were even found. Human meridians of Chinese medicine circulating body fluid were photographed.
He published over 300 papers in SCIENCE, NATURE, PNAS, etc. and several books, including "Human Origin and Migration", "Y Chromosome and Diversification of East Asians", "Languages and Genes in Northwestern China and Adjacent Regions", "You Who Came from Apes", "Dônđäc: a Language with the Largest Vowel Inventory in the World", "Twelve Selected Poems of Brocade Belts from Fengxian", "Pictorial Flora of Fudan", "Ethnic History of Greater Canton", "Who We Are", "Yim-Yaŋ Canon of Tea", "Teas for Solar Terms", "Tao Te Ching: restored ancient text". He also translated the famous genetic story books like "The Seven Daughters of Eva", "My Beautiful Genome". Moreover, he has published many poetry anthologies, including "A Disengaged and Helpless Soul", "Zichen Chansons", "Tea Polyword", "Millet Rain", etc.
A report of Professor LI and his research of historical anthropology titled "Bringing Legends to Life" was published in SCIENCE intensively in 2016.

主要研究方向(Research Interests)

Molecular Anthropology : Diversification of Human Genomes; Co-evolution of genes, environment, and diseases; Genetic relevant of human phenomes.
Historical Anthropology: Cross studies on the origin and development of Chinese people and culture.
Pharmacological Anthropology: The physiologic and biochemical basis of Chinese medical phenotypes; Molecular mechanism of human meridian regulation.
Linguistic Anthropology: Diversification of human linguistic characters; Correlation between languages and genes.