COM.on C.A.1:e1/1-3     Online published on Mar. 16, 2007.
Observation on Tai-Kang’s Naris Drinking
LI Hui1, POMPAKCHA Souligneth2
1.Department of Genetics, School of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, CT06520 USA
2.Institute for Culture Research, Ministry of Information and Culture, Vientiane, Lao

ABSTRACT: Naris drinking was a fantastic custom of the ethnic groups in southern ancient China. There were sufficient descriptions about naris drinking in the historical records, but no modern report on it. In the fall of 2005, during our field work in Laos, we observed the naris drinking in the Tai-Kang population in the Houaphan province. The Tai-Kang is the only Kam-Sui population living outside of China. They drink wine through their nares with bamboo pipes. Since 1964, this custom has been dying. During the investigation, we also recorded the Tai-Kang's memory of the oppressing from the Han (Chinese) and the Jang (Vietnamese), which indicated that they might have originated in Canton, and arrived in the mountains of Laos through Vietnam.
Key words: Naris drinking; Tai-Kang; Relique custom; Laos; Daic; Field investigation

Recieved: Feb.15, 2007  Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第一卷e1篇 第1-3页  2007年3月16日网上发行


1 耶鲁大学医学院遗传学系,美国 康州 新港 06520; 2 老挝信息文化部文化研究所,老挝 万象


收稿日期:2007年2月15日 联系人:李辉

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参考文献 References

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