COM.on C.A.1:e4/22-27       Online published on May 27, 2007.

Native Americans or Chinese Migrants: on the Origin of Olmec Civilization in Mesoamerica
SHEN Guolin
Communication Department, Journalism School, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 China;
The Fox International Fellowships, Center for International and Area Studies, Yale University, New Haven CT06511 USA


ABSTRACT: This article focuses on the controversy that transpacific diffusion from Shang dynasty was responsible for the rise of Olmec civilization. Some scholars who presented the hypothesis featured the evidence including the time, pictographs, symbols, jade carving, and images to illustrate that Shang stimulated or redirected the development of early agricultural societies in Mesoamerica. However, the evidence collected was contradicted by opponents to elucidate the way of indigenous development of civilization in Mesoamerica. The argument suggests there is not enough evidence to support that writing system of Olmec was originated from Shang. The main problem of the Bronze Age China-Mesoamerica connection is the absence of the hallmark technology of China, Bronze, in Mesoamerica. Here we suggest that a few Shang people have possibly fled to American without superstructure of the society. In that case, writing, arts, and other technologies could not be introduced, and developed again later based on the memory of the Shang civilization, which can explain the similarity and inconsistency between Olmec and Shang civilizations. There is no last word on Shang origin of Olmec civilization and further data and evidence should be accumulated to prove or deny the hypothesis.

Key words: Olmec civilization; Chinese Origin; Comparative semeiology; Mesoamerica

Received: May 14, 2007   Accepted: May 24, 2007   Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第一卷e4篇 第22-27页 2007年5月27日网上发行
复旦大学新闻学院传播学系,上海200433; 耶鲁大学国际区域研究中心福克斯国际交流计划,美国 康州 新港06511

收稿日期:2007年5月14日 修回日期:2007年5月24日 联系人:沈国麟

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