COM.on C.A.1:e12/79-82 Online published on Jun. 25, 2007.
Genetic Structure Analysis of Samoan: an Isolated Population in the Pacific
XI Huifeng, Ranjan DEKA
Department of Environment Health, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH45267 USA

ABSTRACT: Samoan is an isolated population inhibiting in South Pacific for more than 3000 years. A consistent genetic background and a high linkage disequilibrium level are found through the analysis of Samoan genome. Genetic evidences are more supportive for the “Express Train” model of Polynesian origin. There are large differences in living style and incidence rates of various diseases between West Samoan and American Samoan. However, these two populations are genetically homogeneous. All these facts make Samoan to be a model population for complex disease studies.
Key words: West Samoan; American Samoan; Polynesian; Isolated population; Complex disease

Recieved: Jun.18,2007; Accepted: Jun. 24, 2007;

《现代人类学通讯》第一卷e12篇 第79-82页 2007年6月25日网上发行
奚慧峰, 代卡•兰江
辛辛那提大学环境健康系,美国 俄亥俄州 辛辛那提 46267


收稿日期:2007年6月18日 修回日期:2007年6月24日 联系人:奚慧峰

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