COM.on C.A.1:e15/92-105  Online published on Nov.5, 2007.


Retrospecting the Origin and Migration of the Ancient Nations along the Silk Road

CHEN Zhiyong

Dinosaur Website of China, Shanghai 200085


ABSTRACT: In this paper, the materials of physical anthropology, linguistics, archaeology and history were retrospected, the correspondences between physical characters and Y chromosome markers of the Central Asians and Xinjiang populations were cleared. The Y haplogroup R1a1 was correlated to the proto-European with pale skin color, while J2a to the Caucasian with fairly dark skin color. The ethnic origins, culture characters, migrations and evolvements of the ancient populations in Central Asia and Xinjiang were ascended by various evidences.

Key words: Central Asia; Xinjiang; Indo-European; Origin; Ethnicity; Genetics

Received: Oct.28,2007  Accepted: Nov.4,2007  Corresponding:


《现代人类学通讯》第一卷e15篇 第92-105页 2007年11月5日网上发行



中国恐龙网论坛 上海 200085




收稿日期:20071028  修回日期:2007114 联系人:陈致勇

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参考文献 References


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