COM.on C.A.2:e1/1-10     Online published on Jul. 5, 2008.
Pinghua Han Chinese Population Genetically Originated in the Indigenous Minorities in North Guangxi

GAN Ruijing1, PAN Shangling1, QIN Zhendong2, CAI Xiaoyun2, XU Jieshun3, LI Hui2

1. School of Pre-clinical Sciences, Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021, China; 2. MOE Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 China; 3. School of Ethnology and Sociology, Guangxi University for Nationalities, Nanning 530006 China

ABSTRACT: The genetic structure of Han Chinese has been studied extensively; the Y chromosome and mtDNA data of all nine Han Chinese branches have been reported except for the Pinghua branch, and demonstrates a coherent genetic structure of Han Chinese. Therefore, despite being an old branch of Han which are scattered in and around the Guangxi Province, where Daic and Hmong-Mien are more prevalent than Han Chinese, the Pinghua people are doubted to be an exception. Here we studied 470 individual samples (including 195 males) from Pinghua populations and other ethnic groups (Zhuang, Kam, Mulam, Laka, and Mien) from six areas (Hezhou, Fuchuan, Luocheng, Jinxiu, Sanjiang, and Wuxuan) in the north of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China. Both mtDNA and Y chromosome were typed in these samples. High frequencies of the Y chromosome haplogroups O2a*, and O*, which are always frequent in the southern minorities, were found in Pinghua populations. Only Pinghua populations in Luocheng and Jinxiu maintain the Han frequent haplogroup O3a5a. mtDNA lineages B4a, B5a, M*, F1a, M7b1, and N* were found in Pinghua populations, exhibiting a pattern similar to the neighboring indigenous populations, especially the Daic populations. Cluster analyses (dendrograms, principal component analyses, and networks) of Pinghua populations, the other Han branches, and other ethnic groups in East Asia indicated that Pinghua populations are much closer to the southern minorities than to the other Han branches. Admixture analyses confirmed this result. In conclusion, we argue that Pinghua populations did not descend from Han Chinese, but from southern minorities. The ancestral populations of Pinghua people were assimilated by Han Chinese in language, culture, and self-identification.

Key words: Y chromosome; mitochondrial DNA; Han Chinese; Pinghua population; Guangxi

Recieved: Apr.19, 2008   Accepted: Jun. 24,2008  Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第二卷e1篇 第1-10页  2008年7月5日网上发行




1 广西医科大学基础医学院,南宁 5300212 复旦大学生命科学学院现代人类学教育部重点实验室,上海 2004333 广西民族大学民族学与社会学学院,南宁 530006


摘要:目前,对汉族群体遗传结构的研究已经日趋完善和深入,除平话人外的汉族九大支系人群Y染色体和mtDNA的遗传结构都已经有了相关研究和报道,他们无一例外的都显示了汉族在遗传结构上的高度一致性。平话人作为汉族一支古老支系,杂居于侗台、苗瑶等南方少数民族人口占局部优势的广西及其周边地区,其遗传结构的归属问题越来越受到关注。本文对中国广西壮族自治区北部贺州、富川县、罗城县、金秀县和武宣县五个地区的平话汉族人群及其周边部分壮族,侗族,仫佬族,拉伽人和瑶族共470份个体(包括195个男性),分别进行了mtDNA和Y染色体单倍群的分型,结果发现桂北平话人群的Y染色体单倍群具有高频的南方原住民族单倍型类型K,O*,O2a*,仅罗城和金秀县平话人保留了汉族常见的O3a5。在mtDNA单倍群的分型方面,平话人群高频单倍型是B4a,B5a, M*, F1a, M7b1和N*,与其周边原住民族和南方少数民族尤其是侗台语系高频单倍型很接近。根据平话人群以及汉族其他支系和东亚其他民族群体的Y染色体和mtDNA单倍群数据所绘制的树型聚类图、主成分分析图、以及网络结构图分析结果显示,平话人在遗传结构上更靠近南方原住民族,而与汉族距离甚远。通过计算汉族群体和南方原住居民对平话人的遗传贡献率,更加证实了这种差距。因此,我们得出结论:桂北平话人在遗传结构上并非汉族的后裔,他们的遗传成分主要源于当地少数民族。是被汉族在语言文化,自身认同感上同化了的广西原住居民。


收稿日期:2008年4月19日  修回日期:2008年6月24日 联系人:潘尚领

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基金支持: 1.徐杰舜 (2004)国家社会科学基金项目(No.05XMZ015)岭南民族源流史; 2.国家自然科学基金 (No. 39993420); 3.Genographic Project of National Geography; 4.广西社会科学基金 (No.GSN0728160,GSY0542044)


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