COM.on C.A.3:e1/1-7     Online published on Jan. 11, 2009.
Comparative Study on the Physical Characteristics of the Drung People and Nu (A-Long) People

HE Guoqiang, ZHOU Yunshui, WEI Leping, WEN Shixian

 Department of Anthropology, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275 China

ABSTRACT: Physical measurements, physical index calculations, and physical style determinations were carried out on a random sample of 120 individuals of Drung nationality from Bapo village in Dulong River Township and 120 individuals of Nu nationality A-Long branch from Qiunatong village in Bingzhongluo Township of Gongshan County, Nujiang District, Yunnan Province. The two populations exhibited many similar physical features as follows: the head shapes are of intermediate type and a little round observed from above, and wide and high observed from front; the faces are narrow and long; the eyeslits are of intermediate type and narrow type; the noses are narrow and long; the lips are of intermediate thinness; Mongolian fold is never seen. Drung people are a little shorter than A-Long people averagely. The shared features between two populations are all general physical characters of the Southwest Mongoloid Group. Our data indicate that the two populations probably share the same most recent ancestry.

Key words: Drung; Nu Nationality; Anthropometry;Physical characters; Comparative Study

Recieved: Jan.1, 2009   Accepted: Jan. 9,2009  Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第三卷e1篇 第1-7页  2009年1月11日网上发行




中山大学人类学系,广东 广州 510275




收稿日期:2009年1月1日  修回日期:2009年1月9日 联系人:周云水

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基金支持: 本文是教育部重大课题三江并流峡谷的民族文化和社会结构变迁研究”(批文号06JJD840019)阶段成果。


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