COM.on C.A.3:e2/8-12     Online published on Apr. 16, 2009.
Rising of Women's Status and Culture Changing of Hunan Uygur Viewed from the Conflict Concerning a Funeral

TONG Chunxia

 School of Anthropology and Sociology, Minzu University of China, Beijing 100081 China

ABSTRACT: The Uygur population migrated to Hunan province in early Ming Dynasty, and had kept their culture pretty well since then, until recent several years. This article, getting enlightened from the conflict concerning a funeral of the Hunan Uygur, suggested that the raising of women’s family status and the important roles in cultural passing down between generations in family could be responsible for the culture changing of the Hunan Uygur since the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Key words: Hunan Uygur; Family status of the women; Cultural changing

Recieved: Mar.28, 2009   Accepted: Apr. 15,2009  Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第三卷e2篇 第8-12页  2009年4月16日网上发行




中央民族大学民族学与社会学学院,北京 100081




收稿日期:2009年3月28日  修回日期:2009年4月15日 联系人:佟春霞

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