COM.on C.A.3:e3/13-46     Online published on Apr. 22, 2009.
Migration and Diversification of Mitochondrial Haplogroup N in East Asians

CHEN Zhiyong

China Dinasour Forum, Shanghai 200085 China

ABSTRACT: Mitochondrial superhaplogroup N is one of the three dominant haplogroups M, N and R in the East Asians. Here published sequences and data of haplogroup N in East Asia were collected and the phylogenesis was reconstructured. The origin of the N lineage of East Asians (A, N9a, Y, N9b, etc.) was found to be beside Tonkin Bay, not in Central Asia but in Southeast Asia. Time estimates suggested that superhaplogroup N most probably arrived in Southeast Asia 50 thousand years ago, and started to expand in mainland of East Asia around 25-20 thousand years ago. Geographic analyses showed that middle China was the diffusion center of the downstream haplogroups A, N9a, and Y, indicating haplogroup N might be associated to Hmong-Mien, especially to the ancient “Miao Man”. Therefore, the ancient population with the haplogroup N might be defined as “proto-Hmong”. Further analyses showed that haplogroup N distributes not only in Hmong from Hunan but also in the neighboring Han Chinese and other minorities. Present Hmong is not the only descendant of “proto-Hmong” but one of those descendant sharing haplogroup N.

Key words: Mitochondria; Haplogroup N; East Asia; Tonkin Bay; Migration; Hmong-Mien

Recieved: Mar.8, 2009   Accepted: Apr. 21,2009  Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第三卷e3篇 第13-46页  2009年4月22日网上发行




中国恐龙网论坛, 上海 200085




收稿日期:2009年3月8日  修回日期:2009年4月21日 联系人:陈致勇

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Supplementary table 1. Resources for the mtDNA data of population samples 



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