COM.on C.A.4:e6/34-41   Online published on Jun.2, 2010.
Three Revolutionary Changes in the Development of Ancient DNA Analysis Techniques

WANG Chuanchao,LI Hui

MOE Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China.

ABSTRACT: Ancient DNA (aDNA) is the DNA recovered from post mortem archaeological or historical specimens. With the widespread adoption of molecular biological techniques over the past two decades, the study of aDNA has evolved from the retrieval of small fragments of mitochondrial DNA of extinct species to entire genome sequencing of Neanderthals. These techniques, including molecular cloning, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), next generation DNA sequencing techniques, primer extension capture (PEC), and array hybridization capture, have solved numerous cases that had been mysteries for thousands of years.

Key words: Ancient DNA, Molecular cloning, Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), Next generation DNA sequencing techniques, Primer extension capture (PEC), Array hybridization capture(AHC).

Recieved: May.10, 2010   Accepted: May.25, 2010  Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第四卷e6篇 第34-41页  2010年6月2日网上发行



王传超, 李辉


摘要:古DNA研究以分子生物学技术为基础,以古生物的DNA为研究对象,是一个新兴领域。20余年来,古DNA实验技术不断发展。分子克隆、PCR、下一代测序技术、引物延伸捕获和芯片杂交捕获等扩增和测序技术的不断涌现,分别引领了古DNA研究的三次革命,极大推动古DNA研究发展、成熟。从229bp斑驴的mtDNA到尼安德特人基因组草图,古DNA研究取得一系列的突出成果, 解开了众多千万年来的谜题。


收稿日期2010年510  修回日期2010年525 联系人李辉

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