COM.on C.A.5:e12/63-69   Online published on Oct.31, 2011.
Research Progress of Factors that Influence Longevity

Zuyun Liu, Lei Li, Jie Liu, Xiaofeng Wang

MOE Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China

ABSTRACT: Regional longevity phenomenon has recently received much attention in the field. Experts who study regional longevity have explored a number of factors, including natural environment, lifestyle, and inheritance, as well as psychological states associated with this phenomenon. This paper reviews current research dedicated to factors that affect population longevity. We concluded that the following contribute to longevity: an environment with appropriate temperature and relative humidity; air and soil rich in oxygen anions and important microelements (e.g. manganese, zinc etc.); healthy life habits (e.g. quitting smoking, restricting drinking, drinking tea, and regular physical activity); eating small, frequent meals at a slow-pace; living on a diet of mainly vegetables and grains; balancing intake of meat and vegetables; consuming a low-calorie, low-fat, and high-vitamin diet; having a longevity family history; and maintaining an optimistic outlook.

Key words: longevity, factors that influence longevity, environment, living habits, dietary habits, inheritance

Recieved: Oct.10, 2011   Accepted: Oct.30, 2011  Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第五卷e12篇 第63-69页  2011年10月31日网上发行



刘足云, 李蕾, 刘杰, 王笑峰

复旦大学现代人类学教育部重点实验室,上海 200433




收稿日期:2011年10月10日  修回日期:2011年10月30日 联系人:刘足云

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