COM.on C.A.5:e14/77-96   Online published on Nov.16, 2011.
Career of Professor ZHOU Guoxing, Laureate of the 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award in Anthropology

Guoxing Zhou

Beijing Museum of Natural History, Beijing 100050 China; Nantong Museum, Nantong, Jiangsu 226001 China

ABSTRACT: Professor ZHOU Guoxing was selected as laureate of the 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award in Anthropology for his outstanding achievements in the field of Paleoanthropology. Zhou Guoxing was born on September 24, 1937 in Nantong City, Jiangsu, China. He attended elementary and middle school times in Nantong before going to College in Shanghai. After graduating from Fudan University (1962) he worked as a Paleoanthropologist and Prehistoric Archaeologist at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP). In 1979 He joined the Beijing Museum of Natural History (BMNH), where he was head of the Department of Anthropology and Deputy Director of the Museum.
He published over 50 articles, 150 popular journal papers (some of which have been translated into foreign languages), and 20 books and monographs, mainly about human origin and evolution. His books include: “How Man Understands His Own Origin” (two volumes, 1977 and 1979), “Yangtze River: Another Cradle of Ancient Culture of China” (1984), “Yuanmou Man” (the first ancient man in China) (1988), “Bailiantong Mesolithic Culture: A Case Study on Mesolithic Culture”(2007) and “All about Yuanmou Man: 30 Years Paleoanthropological Researche in the Yuanmou Basin”(2008). In addition to receiving numerous prizes for his work, he has exhibited his work at many conferences and is domestically and internationally renowned. Professor Zhou has made great efforts to promote the development of BMNH and to revive the Nantong Museum, China's first museum. He has been active in the planning and development Chinese museums, such as Bailiantong Cave Science Museum and the Museum of Yuanmou Man. His popular books and museum exhibitions have helped to educate a large number of people. In 1990 he was given the title of “Distinguished Popular Science Writer” by the Chinese Association of Science Popular Writers.
In addition to his prolific work, he has made many important contributions to anthropological and prehistoric archaeological research. He maintains the hypothesis that there are multiple origins of Chinese culture, noting besides the Yellow River, the Yangtze River is another cradle of ancient Chinese culture. By studying the Yuanmou Man's fossils and relevant ancient cultural remains, he confirmed that Chinese history started at least 1.7 million years ago. The details were demonstrated in his article, “On Start of China as History” (1998). He led the excavations of the famous Bailiatong cave sites, established a model of “Bailiantong Cave Ancient Cultural Series,” and demonstrated the existence of the Mesolithic culture in South China. He has investigated in depth the question of the Wild Man, a Sasquatch-like primate reported in China for centuries, and has participated in corresponding investigative fieldwork. In 1966, he researched mass graves in Datong Mines, Shanxi Province. After his anthropological inspection of 200 dead bodies there, he concluded that the Japanese had used severe violence during their military invasion of China.
Professor Zhou Guoxing has received many honors and awards including the Scientific Progress Prize for “The Synthetic Study on Yuanmou Man” (1985), Distinguished Leadership Award for Outstanding Service for “The Origin of Mankind” in BMNH in 1988 by American Biographical Institute. This exhibition was recorded in the “Chinese Famous Figures Almanac” (1989). In 1996, he was given a special allowance by the State Council of China in recognition of his outstanding contributions as an outstanding scholar of the State Class. In 2002, He won Pei Wenzhong Scientific Prize, the top prizein Chinese Paleoanthropology circles for “advancing Paleolithic Archaeology, Paleoanthropology and Quatemary Paleontology in China.”

Key words: ZHOU Guoxing, Paleoanthropology, Yuanmou Man, Wild Man, Natural History Museum

Recieved: Nov.9, 2011   Accepted: Nov.14, 2011  Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第五卷e14篇 第77-96页  2011年11月16日网上发行




北京自然博物馆,北京100050; 南通博物苑,江苏 南通226001

摘要:今年的人类学终身成就奖颁给周国兴先生,以表彰他在古人类学领域作出的杰出贡献。周国兴1937年9月出生于江苏省南通市。在故乡度过了他的中小学时代,1957年进上海复旦大学师从人类学家吴定良教授专修体质人类学,1962年毕业后受聘于中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所,从事古人类学与史前考古学研究,1979年转北京自然博物馆从事人类学与博物馆研究至今,其间1985—1992年任该馆副馆长负责业务领导工作。周还兼任柳州白莲洞洞穴科学博物馆馆长、江苏南通博物苑名誉苑长和上海复旦大学文博学院兼职教授等职。曾任中国自然科学博物馆协会副理事长、中国博物馆学会、北京市博物馆学会等常务理事及多个学会理事之职。 周在长达50年的古人类学和史前考古学研究中成绩斐然,并极有建树:对于中国史前文化的起源,主张“多源论”,在学术上最早正式提出了“长江流域亦是中华古文明摇篮”的论点。在对元谋人化石的详尽研究及在元谋盆地长期考察所获丰富资料和科学论证基础上,他将中国历史的开端坚实地推前到距今170万年以前。他的元谋人及其文化研究获得了北京市科技成果奖和地矿部科技成果一等奖。多次登上帕米尔高原研究我国新疆境内的塔吉克族,论证了他们是我国境内唯一的白色人种原住代表,是古雅利安人的后代。他在塔什库尔干河东岸发现了吉日尕拉史前遗址,具有重要价值。上世纪80年代起,他通过对柳州白莲洞史前遗址的详尽研究,建立了“白莲洞文化系列”的模式,证实了华南中石器时代的真实存在,引起国内外学术界的注目。他在河南许昌和云南元谋发现了两个中石器时代的重要遗址:灵井遗址和大那乌遗址。在人类起源理论研究上提出“劳动”是人类特有的“适应手段”,有高、初两级形态,在从猿到人转变过程中初级形式的劳动具有不可忽视的推动作用,但高级形态劳动却为人类所创造,而且在这转变过程中人类祖先的智力和性因素具有强大作用。1966年他参与并主持了山西大同煤矿煤峪口万人坑的清理与研究工作,他对200具死难矿工所作的人类学研究成果,成为清算日本军国主义者侵华罪行的有力证据。2002年,鉴于他在“促进旧石器考古学、古人类学和第四纪哺乳动物学科所作的贡献”,获得“裴文中科学奖”。 在博物馆学的研究与实践中,经他倡议与参与,筹建了9座博物馆,如柳州白莲洞洞穴科学博物馆、元谋人陈列馆和南通纺织博物馆,在推动北京自然博物馆的发展与复兴南通博物苑方面,他都作了重要贡献。在科学知识普及工作上,他也取得丰硕成果,他发表了大量的科普作品,举办过多次科普展览,经中国科普作协第三次、第四次全国代表大会审定,为“成绩突出的科普作家”。1996年被授予“北京市先进科普工作者”称号。至今周已发表出版20部科学专著与科普作品集,不少作品获得奖励。他的1988年《人之由来》展,获得很高的国际声誉,其画册获得“第三届全国科普优秀作品一等奖”。周被列入国内外许多名人录中,英国剑桥国际传记中心将他列入当今领先人物500之列,并授予他金质奖章和“20世纪杰出人物”荣誉称号。2010年7月5日更将他列为该中心创建以来拔尖人物200名之列。1989年被美国国际传记研究所授予“杰出领导人物奖”和“近四分之一世纪500名最有影响人物之一”的荣誉称号。鉴于他在我国科学研究事业中的杰出贡献,1996年被授予国家特殊津贴,也就是说他被认为是国家级有特殊贡献的专家。



收稿日期:2011年11月8日  修回日期:2011年11月14日 联系人:周国兴

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参考文献 References

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46. Zhou Guoxing(1999)On Bailiandong Culture.Treatises of international conference on mesolithic culture. People's Publishing House of Guangdong. p.27-43.

47. 周国兴(2000)人类起源大搜索. 中国国家地理 (10). Great search of human origins. Chinese National Geography (10).

48. 周国兴(2001)中国古人类硏究的历史与现状. 北京自然博物馆研究报告 59:65-81.

49. 周国兴(2001)中国古人类学一百年.(One century of China' palaeoanthropology studies-history,pesent situation and prospect)

50. 周国兴(2002)华南早期褐猿的分布与演化. 北京自然博物馆研究报告 60 :74-87.

51. 周国兴(2002)三论白莲洞文化-对同期遗址研究新进展的思考. 史前硏究. 三秦出版社p.91-102.

52. 周国兴(2004)人类起源硏究的新进展与我国的现状. 史前硏究. 三秦出版社p.23-61.

53. 周国兴(2004)人乎?猿乎?-最早人类化石硏究综述硏究综述. 人类学学报 23(纪念裴文中教授百年诞辰论文集增刊):78-91.

54. 周国兴(2007)石器时代的万能工具-穿孔砾石或穿孔石(重石). 农业考古 (1):127-147.