COM.on C.A.5:e17/107-111   Online published on Dec.22, 2011.
Y chromosome clues to the ancestry of Emperor Cao Cao

Chuanchao Wang1, Shi Yan2, Zheng Hou1, Wenqing Fu1, Momiao Xiong1, Sheng Han1, Li Jin1,2, Hui Li1

1. MOE Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology, School of Life Sciences and Department of history, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China; 2. CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, SIBS, CAS, Shanghai 200031, China

ABSTRACT: Deep pedigrees are of great value for studying the Y chromosome evolution. However, the authenticity of the pedigree information requires careful validation. Here, we validated some deep pedigrees in China with full records of 70-100 generations spanning over 1,800 years by comparing their Y chromosomes. The present clans of these pedigrees claim to be descendants of Emperor CAO Cao (155AD–220AD). Haplotype O2-M268 is the only one that is enriched significantly in the claimed clans (P=9.323×10-5, OR=12.72), and therefore, is most likely to be that of the Emperor. Moreover, our analysis showed that the Y chromosome haplotype of the Emperor is different from that of his claimed ancestry of the earlier CAO aristocrats (Haplotype O3-002611). This study offers a successful showcase of the utility of genetics in studying the ancient history.

Key words: Y chromosome, deepest pedigree, Chinese Emperor, human ancestry, stemma record

Recieved:  Nov.22, 2011   Accepted: Dec.4, 2011  Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第五卷e17篇 第107-111页  2011年12月22日网上发行




1.复旦大学生命科学学院及历史系现代人类学教育部重点实验室,上海200433; 2.中科院上海生命科学研究院计算生物学研究所,上海200031

摘要:大跨度家系对于研究Y染色体进化有着极其重要的意义,但家系的可信度却需仔细甄别。本文中,我们用Y染色体分型比对的方法确认了若干有1800多年历史、延续70-100代的大跨度家系,这些家系宣称是魏武帝曹操后裔。单倍型O2-M268是唯一在宣称是曹操后裔的众多家族里频率显著升高的单倍型(P=9.323×10-5, OR=12.72),因此也极可能是曹操的Y染色体单倍型。我们的分析结果还显示曹操的Y染色体单倍型与其自称的先祖曹参的单倍型O3-002611并不一致。本研究是Y染色体和谱牒分析相结合的成功探索,为遗传学用于历史学研究提供一个范例。



收稿日期:2011年11月22日  修回日期:2011年12月4日 联系人:李辉

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