COM.on C.A.5:e30/182-191   Online published on Dec.15, 2011.
Early Taiwan and Austronesian Dispersal

Paul Jen-kuei Li

Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica, Taipei 11529 Taiwan

Abstract: I shall discuss a few major issues of early Austronesian history, including (1) What are the major subgroups of the Austronesian language family? (2) When was the earliest dispersal and where did it start? (3) To which language family is Austronesian most closely related? and (4) Did Taiwan natives all arrive in Taiwan at the same time or in separate groups at different times? Our attempt to answer these questions is based on linguistic evidence. Leading Austronesian scholars generally agree that Taiwan languages are the most diverse and archaic in the entire Austronesian family. The great diversity of these languages indicates that the Austronesian speakers have settled on the island in a great time depth, hence Taiwan is most likely the Austronesian homeland. The most archaic features of the languages indicate that these languages are indispensable for reconstructing proto Austronesian and the early history of the Austronesian family.

Key words: Austronesian, Taiwan, diverse, archaic, homeland, dispersal

Recieved:  Sep.18, 2011   Accepted: Oct.20, 2011  Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第五卷e30篇 第182-191页  2011年12月15日网上发行




中央研究院语言学研究所 台北11529 台湾

摘要:本文所要讨论的议题,包括:(1) 南岛民族的主要分支是什么?(2) 南岛民族在何时、何地开始扩散?(3) 南岛民族跟哪一个民族有最密切的发生学上的关系?(4) 台湾南岛民族是同时或分批到达台湾的?我们检验了各种语言学的证据尝试对以上的问题提出解答。国际南岛语言学者大都认为:(1) 台湾南岛语言最纷歧,因此最有可能是古南岛民族的扩散中心;(2) 它们保存最多古语的特征,因此要构拟古南岛语跟重建古南岛民族的历史,就必须使用台湾南岛语言的材料。



收稿日期:2011年9月18日  修回日期:2011年10月20日 联系人:李壬癸

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