



The question of where we came from and where we are going has been asked since the birth of humankind. Each culture has been built upon its own legends to answer this particular question. Anthropology is the scientific field of these questions and answers, utilizing subfields such as sociology, linguistics, folklore, history, archaeology, and physical anthropology to obtain the solutions. The introduction of genomics into anthropological studies, however, has enabled the study of human origins to be more precise. The reconsideration of every aspect of human diversification, in light of this greater precision, has given contemporary significance to anthropology. Communicating between molecular anthropology and other subfields of anthropology is the original idea of the publication of Communication on Contemporary Anthropology.

Contemporary anthropology, therefore, is a science of positivism. During the future publication of COM. on C. A., we hope to maintain this positivism by encouraging open communication among everyone in the subfields of anthropology, regardless of personal prominence. We hereby aim to gain more complete insights into human origins and ethnic diversification, allowing us to learn more about ourselves.