Call for papers on Molecular Anthropology  ÖÐÎÄ

Our proposal to organize a panel on Molecular anthropology in conjunction with the 16th World Congress of The International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES 2008) that will take place in Kunming, Yunnan, China scheduled for 15-23, July 2008 has been accepted.

Organizers: Li Jin

We would like to invite you to submit a paper proposal for participation in a session on ¡°Molecular Anthropology¡±.

In the 16th session of the IUAES Conference, we will summon international renowned experts of this field to explore topics as follows: Promoting the protection and preservation of cultural heritage of Chinese ancestor populations to unify the cultural protection and the analysis of genetic structure; the precise geographical and population orientation for Chinese original populations to search Chinese ancestor populations; relative contribution to contemporary East Asian populations made by two crowd respectively from the South and the North as well as the chronological estimation of gene exchange between oriental and occidental populations; ascertainment of American Indian on Asian ancestor populations; the relationship between populations of East Asian and Austronesia and other Pacific islands.



1.      Abstracts submission before October 30th, 2007

      The abstract should clearly describe the content, major findings, methodological indication and conclusions of the proposed paper and its relationship to the topic or objectives of the session.

      The abstract should be no longer than 350 words in Times New Roman, along with the paper title, key words, name, professional title, affiliation, and contact information of the author(s).  

2.      Completed papers submission before April 30th, 2008.


We are pleased to meet you in Kunming and thank you very much for your kind collaboration.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Contactors:  Dr. Shilin Li

MOE Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology and Center for Evolutionary Biology,

School of Life Sciences and Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, Fudan University,

Address: 220 Handan Road, Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China

Postcode: 200433,

Tel: 86-21-55664474

Fax: 86-21-65642426
