


Publication Policy  

COM. on C.A. is a transnational journal devoted to research on humankind, encompassing the full range of anthropological scholarship on human origin and diversification. Communicating across the subfields, the journal features papers in a wide variety of areas, including social, cultural, and physical anthropology as well as ethnology and ethnohistory, archaeology and prehistory, folklore, and linguistics.
Articles in the journal are classified as follows: REPORT, REVIEW, FOCUS, OBSERVATION, ARGUMENT, ACTIVITY. Reports and reviews are peer reviewed, focus, observation, argument, and activity contributions will be selected by the editors.


作者 本刊认为鉴于人类学分支领域众多,对于特定分支,其它分支的专业人员并不比业余爱好者有更多的优势。所以本刊支持跨领域的评论和借鉴,也鼓励广大业余爱好者踊跃投稿发表自己的见解。
周期 本刊自2007年5月27日起在COMonCA.org网上发行。文章一经评审通过和作者校对,即在网上出版。本刊不分期,文章按时间顺序编排页码,年底封卷集结。
语种 本刊主要采用简体中文。研究报告和特约综述需要英文标题和摘要,也欢迎发表英文全文翻译。英文部分采用韦氏标准拼写和语法。
稿件 作者保证送发稿件仅在本刊发表。本刊反对重复发表,不包括网上非正式的公布。来稿中的语句和插图如引用自他处,请严格注明出处。若有版权纠纷,由作者自行承担有关责任。

PUBLICATION Free publication, free access. All rights are reserved.
AUTHOR We encourage communications and comments across all subfields of anthropology from experts as well as from the public.
FREQUENCY This journal started publication online on May 27, 2007, (http://COMonCA.org.cn). Contributions will be published online as soon as they have passed peer reviews and proofs have been received from the author(s). All papers published will be collected into the current volume in order of the publication date.

LANGUAGE This journal uses mainly simplified Chinese, with English abstracts. Full text in American English is appreciated.

CONTRIBUTION Contributions sent to us should not be published in any other forms elsewhere. Please clearly indicate any references by citations.