
Connecticut is approx  5,009 Square Miles.  Packed with  history and culture. Before the arrival of the Europeans, approximately 20,000 Indians lived in Quinnehtuket (Indian name for Connecticut meaning "Beside the long tidal river"). The Dutch discovered the Connecticut river in 1614 .
那么,我就翻译成:坤乃途河州     康河州 康:大


“马萨诸塞”也是阿尔冈琴语,意思是“丘陵之中”。Massachuset. Meaning "at the range of hills," by which is meant the hills of Milton.莽色诸山州    麻丘州 密密麻麻的丘陵


“佛蒙特”来源于法语,意思是“青山”。The boy's name Vermont is of French origin, and its meaning is "green mountain." Name of the mountainous New England state favored by skiers and hikers. Author Vermont Royster.芙邙州   芙山州 mont: mountain


“罗得岛州”的名字可能是为了纪念希腊的罗得岛,也可能是荷兰探险家根据岛上的红粘土命名的。Rhode Island. Possibly named in honor of the Greek Island of Rhodes, or was named Roode Eylandt by Adriaen Block, Dutch explorer, because of its red clay.垆土岛州   红岛州 Rhode: red


“缅因州”意思是这里是大陆,区别于周围的很多岛屿。Maine.Assumed to be a reference to the state region being a mainland, different from its many surrounding islands.缅原州  遥远的大陆


新汉普州”New Hampshire,新英格兰的系列地名,纪念英国的汉普郡。
“纽约州”New York, 新英格兰的系列地名,纪念英国的约克郡。新约克州

康河州八县                  新港县各乡镇














