COM.on C.A.2:e5/30-35 Online published on Aug. 20, 2008.

Evolution and Variation of Tooth Morphology and its Application in Human Population Phylogenetic Studies
HONG Shengjun, TAN Jingze
MOE Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology, School of Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433 China

ABSTRACT: As an important research material, the human tooth shape is widely studied in many aspects of anthropology, for instance, demonstrating the relationships of human populations by exploring the evolution and variation of their teeth. The human population relationships are mostly focused on in the field of dental anthropology, measuring by the geographic distribution of the metrical or non-metrical traits of the teeth. As the non-metrical traits are usually less affected by the environment factors than the metrical traits, researchers used to analyze the distribution of the non-metrical traits, such as Shovel UI1, Double Shovel UI1, and P/R/CA UM3, among human populations. In this paper, we review the present methods, recent results, and problems of these studies.
Key words: Non-metrical traits of teeth; Geographic distribution; Human population relationships

Recieved: Jul.2, 2008 Accepted: Aug. 19,2008 Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第二卷e5篇 第30-35页 2008年8月20日网上发行



复旦大学现代人类学教育部重点实验室,上海 200433



收稿日期:2008年7月2日 修回日期:2008年8月19日 联系人:洪胜君

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