COM.on C.A.4:e1/1-4     Online published on Feb.3, 2010.
Analyzing Courtyard Tombs Found among the Gelong in Hainan

LI Hui1, LI Dongna2

1. MOE Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology, School of Life Siences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China; 2. Department of Biology, Hainan Medical College, Haikou HN571101, China.

ABSTRACT: The Gelong people reside downstream the Changhua River in the western Hainan. The Gelong language, also known as "Cun", is considered a Hlai or Gelao language. Genetically, the Gelong are most closely related to the Gelao people. During a research expedition in Sand Village, Sigeng Township of Dongfang City, we found that the Gelong bury family members in their yards, thus keeping the departed very close to the living. Like the Gelao, the Gelong use stone coffins and practice bone-cleaning rituals as well as couple burials. These parallels suggest a strong socio-cultural resemblance between the Gelao and Gelong.

Key words: Gelong; Changhua River in Hainan Province; Bone-cleaning ritual; Stone coffin; Gelao

Recieved: Feb.1 2010   Accepted: Feb. 2,2010  Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第四卷e1篇 第1-4页  2010年2月3日网上发行




1.复旦大学生命科学学院现代人类学教育部重点实验室,上海 200433;2.海南医学院生物学教研室,海口 571101




收稿日期:2010年2月1日  修回日期:2010年2月2联系人:李辉

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参考文献 References

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