COM.on C.A.4:e27/172-174   Online published on Dec.16, 2010.
Mammals, ecological barriers and the distribution of Homo in early Pleistocene Europe



First Paragraph: Several recent discoveries suggest that the human colonization of Europe took place around 1.8-1.6 Ma. Homo was present in the Caucasus 1.8 Ma. years ago [1] and the Oldowan industries found at L’Herault evidence that hominids inhabited southern France around 1. 6 Ma. [2]. Evidence of ancient human presence have also been found at Barranco León, Fuentenueva 3 [3], Atapuerca TE9 [4], Vallparadís [5] and Pirro Nord [6]. All these sites are located in southern Europe, suggesting that early European Homo was restricted to the Mediterranean zone and that humans were unable to colonize Northern and Central Europe before 1.2-1.1. Ma (Figure 1). Sites with evidences of human presence younger than 1.2 Ma are only found below latitude 44 N. Apparently this was not a topographic but an ecological barrier, since this line runs south of the Alps but north of the Pyrenees.

Recieved: Oct.10, 2010   Accepted: Dec.12, 2010  Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第四卷e27篇 第172-174页  2010年12月16日网上发行



海稣•若觉古兹, 海稣•安琪儿•马丁-宫扎乐, 伊多娅•贵口奇, 安娜•玛条斯

国立人类进化研究中心, 西班牙 布尔戈斯 09002

首节:最近的一些发现认为人类在180-160万年前到达欧洲。人属在180万年前出现在高加索[1],而在埃罗发现的奥杜韦文化期工艺证实160万年前已经定居在法国南部[2]。在狮子谷、新源头 3[3]、阿塔坡卡 TE9 [4]、瓦帕拉蒂[5]以及北毗若[6]也曾发现早期人类遗址。这些遗址都在南欧,说明早期欧洲的人属局限于地中海地区,直到120-110万年前人类才能定居于欧洲北部和中部(图1)。在距今120万年之后人类存在的证据也只发现于北纬44度以南。显然这不是个地形屏障,而是个生态屏障,因为这条线在阿尔卑斯以南而在比利牛斯山以北。

收稿日期: 2010年10月10日  修回日期: 2010年12月2日 联系人:海稣•若觉古兹
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参考文献 References
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