COM.on C.A.4:e35/191-192   Online published on Dec.16, 2010.
The Asian ancestry of the first hominins in Europe: the state of the art


1. National Research Center for Human Evolution (CENIEH), Burgos 09002 Spain; 2. Department of Archaeology, Northgate House, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S102TN UK

FIRST PARAGRAPH:  In recent years, new Eurasian hominin fossils [1-4] and new molecular data have compelled us to reconsider long-standing assumptions about the first human settlement of this continent. The paleontological, archaeological and biogeographical evidence suggest repeated speciation and migration events within Eurasia [3-8]. The 1.3 Ma human mandible from Sima del Elefante (Atapuerca, Spain), provisionally assigned to H. antecessor species, is currently the oldest hominin specimen from Western Europe [4]. Its detailed morphological assessment suggests that the first settlement of Europe occurred as part of an early, Late Pliocene or early Early Pleistocene, demographic expansion out of either Africa or Southwest Asia, rather than a later one in the late Early Pleistocene [4,6]. In addition, previous dental studies have demonstrated the existence of a distinctive “Eurasian dental pattern” in Early and Middle Pleistocene hominins that differed from their African counterparts and that may suggest relatively independent evolutionary courses for the African and the Eurasian continents during the Pleistocene [6].

Recieved: Oct.10, 2010   Accepted: Dec.2, 2010  Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第四卷e35篇 第191-192页  2010年12月16日网上发行



玛丽娅•马蒂农-多乐思1, 约瑟-玛丽娅•百慕大-德-卡斯特罗1,罗宾•丹尼尔2

1国立人类进化研究中心,西班牙 布尔戈斯09002;2设菲尔德大学北门所考古学系,英国 设菲尔德 S102TN

首节:近年来,新发现的化石 [1-4]和新的分子生物学数据使我们不得不重新审视长期以来对欧洲最早人类起源的假设。古生物学、考古学和生物地理学的证据提示了欧亚大陆存在多次人种形成和迁徙事件[3-8]。在埃勒芬特裂谷遗址(西班牙阿塔坡卡)发现的130万年前的下颌骨,被暂时归属于先驱人,是西欧迄今发现的最古老的古人类物种[4]。对它形态学方面的细节考量显示,欧洲最早的人类定居发生于上新世晚期或者更新世早期,是来自非洲或者西亚的较早的一次人口扩张,而非来源于较晚的更新世晚期的一次扩张[4,6]。此外,早先的牙齿学的研究已经证实了在更新世早中期的古人类中独特的“欧亚牙齿模式”的存在,这种模式不同于非洲的古人种的牙齿模式,这表明在更新世非洲和欧亚大陆经历了独立的进化路线[6]。

收稿日期: 2010年10月10日  修回日期: 2010年12月2日 联系人:玛丽娅•马蒂农-多乐思
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