COM.on C.A.4:e48/213-214   Online published on Dec.16, 2010.
East and West: looking for a point to meet each other

HOU Yamei1,2

1. Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100044 China; 2. Joint Laboratory of Human Evolution and Archaeometry, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100044 China

FIRST PARAGRAPH: The Paleolithic archaeology was brought into China since more than 80 years ago. The first academic volume was also written by westerners [1]. Mainly supported by western financial group the first generation of Paleolithic scholar like Pei WC and Jian LP were trained out through the discovery work of Peking Man. After new China they both lead some work of discovering several important sites like Lantian, Dingcun and Nihewan basin sites. The closed situation make Chinese academic work was interrupted till the end of 1970s. Later on the country’s gate was open again many Chinese scholars were able to go to the west and fewer foreigners came to China including doing field work. Nowadays it has become more and more frequent between each other. For laggard situation there are more cases of teaching by westerners and going abroad to learn their theories and methods. We got much of the influence from the westerners. It became popular of studying microwear in period of my master degree. My supervisor for master degree had followed Keeley to learn somehow of microwear analysis knowledge at his middle age. He brought back Keeley’s book and conducted my thesis. This example reflects persistent Chinese strong desire for absorbing new knowledge and conventional diligence as usual.

Recieved: Oct.10, 2010   Accepted: Dec.2, 2010  Corresponding:

《现代人类学通讯》第四卷e48篇 第213-214页  2010年12月16日网上发行




1中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所,北京 100044; 2 中国科学院人类演化与科技考古联合实验室,北京 100044

首节:80多年前旧石器考古学被西方人直接带入中国,关于这片土地上远古文化的的第一部学术研究著作也是由西方人完成的[1]。举世瞩目的周口店北京人的发现是在西方财团的赞助下由西方人作为学术指导,从中培养出第一代中国当代古人类学领域的专业学者,如裴文中、贾兰坡。正是裴、贾领导了新中国之后的数个重要的古人类旧石器遗址的发现,比如蓝田人、丁村人以及泥河湾盆地遗址的最早发现。上个世纪80年代之前的封闭状态使得中国的学术研究中断了对外交流,直至上一世纪的后期重新开启了对外交流的渠道,期间的活动多以中国到外部留学访问吸收为主,外国人到中国的交流相对较少。上一世纪末开始有西方人再次来到中国实地工作,双方的交流也越来越多,越来越频繁。由于中国相对落后的状况,过去的若干阶段基本是以西方人来教中国人,中国人走出去学习西方的理论与方法,外国人的思想影响中国人为主。我读硕士时西方兴起显微镜下观察石制品的使用痕迹的研究,我论文的指导老师在他已不太年轻的时候去美国跟Keeley学习过这方面的知识, 带回他的书就指导我做硕士论文,从中可见中国人一如既往的强烈求知愿望,也体现出中国人非常好学的一面。

收稿日期: 2010年10月10日  修回日期: 2010年12月2日 联系人: 侯亚梅
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参考文献 References

1. Boule M, Breuil H, Licen E, Teilhard de Chardin P (1928) Le Paléolithique de la Chine. 1st edition, IPH.
2. Hou YM, Richard P, Yuan BY (2000) Mid-Pleistocene Acheulean-like Stone Technology of the Bose Basin, South China . Science. 287: 1622-1626.
3. Hou YM (2005) Shuidonggou: A vane of intercommunication between the East and the West? —discussion about small tool culture in north China and hypothesis of the “Lithic Road ”. Quat Sci 25: 750-761.
4. Hou YM (2008) The “Donggutuo core” from Donggutuo industry of Lower Pleistocene in the Nihewan basin, North China and its indication. L'Anthropologie 112: 457-471.
5. Hou YM, Zhao L (2009) An archeological view for the presence of early humans in China. Quat Int 223-224:10-19.
6. Boëda E, Hou YM, Rasse M, Griggo C, Huang WB (2010) The site of Longgupo. l’Anthropologie in press.